Reunification Therapy & Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

Reunification therapy is designed to repair a parent-child relationship that has been disrupted. In most cases, this therapy occurs when a child has stopped seeing a parent for the agreed-upon parenting time, either due to a parent’s absence or a child’s refusal.


Therapeutic Supervised Visitation (TSV), is typically court ordered. TSV allows a parent to visit their children in a safe and appropriate environment. TSV involves providing education to the visiting parent to assist in resolving issues that may be preventing them from properly bonding or interacting with their children.

Reunification therapy and Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

Who is this for?

We offer individual therapy for people of all ages, using components of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, and Mindfulness. Treatment is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. 

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(631) 928-4815 ext 105

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